


  • 标志诠释:

    With the evolution of the enterprise English letter E,the ripple at the bottom shows the spirit of struggle and innovation while enterprise riding the wind and waves in the sea of business.

    The red semicircle symbolizes EAST is the rising sun in the east with full of energy and passion.

    The sight of sunrise in the east and the spirit of sailing forward are full of passion and vitality.

  • 标志诠释:

    EAST in Chinese interprets the location of the company, EAST is the new star rising in the east. It contains the mystery and glory of the east. At the same time, it is struggling to become international.

    The five-pointed star implies the concept of EAST’s excellent service and its quality of service with high standard.

    The using of Chinese red shows the business is constantly doing better day by day.

  • 标志诠释:

    EAST uses a rounded ribbon element that runs through four letters,it means EAST will provides customers with best wishes of wonderful life by using the style of gift-wrapped red ribbon.

    It simulates the use track of cleaning product by using the modelling of ribbon and it fully fitted to its brand characteristics with the main business of cleaning product.

    By using “Keep the original belief”, “start a business of cleaning product”, “Helping people in need” as brand slogan to add brand history, corporate culture and social responsibility into EAST.